Adobe Substance 3D’s AI features can turn text into backgrounds and textures

3 months ago 7
A screenshot taken of Adobe Substance 3D showing the caller   Text to Texture beta feature. The caller “Text to Texture” diagnostic is present disposable successful the Adobe Substance 3D Sampler 4.4 beta. | Image: Adobe

While galore developers are moving retired however generative AI could beryllium utilized to nutrient full 3D objects from scratch, Adobe is already utilizing its Firefly AI exemplary to streamline existing 3D workflows. At the Game Developers Conference connected Monday, Adobe debuted 2 caller integrations for its Substance 3D plan bundle suite that let 3D artists to rapidly nutrient originative assets for their projects utilizing substance descriptions.

The archetypal is simply a “Text to Texture” diagnostic for Substance 3D Sampler that Adobe says tin make “photorealistic oregon stylized textures” from punctual descriptions, specified arsenic scaled tegument oregon woven fabric. These textures tin past beryllium applied straight to 3D models, sparing designers from needing to find due notation materials.

The 2nd diagnostic is simply a caller “Generative Background” instrumentality for Substance 3D Stager. This allows designers to usage substance prompts to make inheritance images for objects they’re composing into 3D scenes. The clever happening present is that some of these features really usage 2D imaging technology, conscionable similar Adobe’s erstwhile Firefly-powered tools successful Photoshop and Illustrator. Firefly isn’t generating 3D models oregon files — instead, Substance is utilizing 2D images produced from substance descriptions and applying them successful ways that appear 3D.

The caller Text to Texture and Generative Background features are disposable successful the beta versions of Substance 3D Sampler 4.4 and Stager 3.0, respectively. Adobe’s caput of 3D and metaverse, Sébastien Deguy, told The Verge that some features are escaped during beta and person been trained connected Adobe-owned assets, including notation materials produced by the institution and licensed Adobe stock.

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