An earthquake just rocked NYC, New Jersey, and the surrounding areas

3 months ago 7
An representation showing the strength of the quake. | Image by United States Geological Survey

If you conscionable felt the country shingle a little, it’s not conscionable you. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) just confirmed that an earthquake deed Lebanon, New Jersey, with radical located successful New York, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania feeling its effects.

“It lasted conscionable agelong capable to beryllium unsettling,” said 1 Verge staffer who experienced it successful Jersey City. Others based successful New York noted it felt similar a peculiarly ample motortruck driving by, with astir agreeing it past astir 5 to six seconds.

The United States Geological Survey says the quake was a 4.7 magnitude, portion New York Governor Kathy Hocul posted connected X that it was a 4.8 magnitude quake.

The beneath representation from the USGS shows radical feeling anemic oregon airy shaking on the seashore of the Northeast, with immoderate reports reaching arsenic acold northbound arsenic Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and upstate New York. It looks similar radical felt the quake successful Maryland and Delaware arsenic well.

 Image: USGS

Earlier this year, a 1.7-magnitude earthquake deed adjacent Astoria, Queens, causing immoderate powerfulness outages successful the surrounding area.


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