AP PHOTOS: Russians vote in election dominated by Putin

3 months ago 5
From the hush of isolated Siberian villages to the clamor of large cities to warfare battered towns successful occupied parts of Ukraine, Russians voted successful a statesmanlike predetermination overwhelmingly dominated by Vladimir Putin. With ballots counted from astir 30% of precincts connected Sunday evening, Putin was intelligibly headed for victory, notching much than 85% of the vote, according to the nationalist predetermination commission. Putin’s glide to different six-year word was ne'er successful doubt. The different 3 candidates connected the ballot were each from Putin-friendly parties and the aboriginal results showed nary of them gathering double-digit support. Under Putin, absorption forces successful Russia are firmly suppressed; 2 politicians who reason the warfare successful Ukraine were denied slots connected the ballot. Despite the oppression, determination were quiescent signs of protestation successful Moscow and different cities, wherever agelong lines of voters formed astatine polling stations astatine midday, pursuing a strategy devised by absorption stalwart Alexei Navalny soon earlier his...
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