AP-Week-in-Pictures: Global

3 months ago 7
March 15-21, 2024 A volcano erupts again successful Iceland. A vessel carrying dozens of Rohingya Muslim refugees who survived a nighttime astatine oversea aft their vessel capsized were being rescued disconnected Indonesia's northernmost coast. A household breaks their accelerated during the Muslim beatified period of Ramadan extracurricular their location destroyed by Israeli airstrikes successful Rafah, Gaza Strip. An craft airdrops humanitarian assistance implicit the bluish Gaza Strip. Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks astatine his run office aft the statesmanlike predetermination successful Moscow. Yulia Navalnaya, widow of Alexey Navalny, stands successful a enactment with different voters astatine a polling presumption adjacent the Russian Embassy successful Berlin, aft noon Sunday. This assemblage highlights immoderate of the astir compelling images published successful the past week by The Associated Press. This enactment was curated by AP Photo Editor Pamela Hassell successful New York. ___ Follow AP ocular journalism: AP Images blog: http://apimagesblog.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apnews X:...
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