Are we really going to ban TikTok?

3 months ago 9
An illustration depicting TikTok implicit    the Vergecast team. Image: Alex Parkin / The Verge

The TikTok ban mightiness beryllium for existent this time. Nearly four years after the archetypal effort to get the ByteDance-owned institution either sold oregon barred from the US, a caller measure is flying done legislature votes, and President Joe Biden has already said he’ll motion it if it comes to his desk.

On this occurrence of The Vergecast, we speech astir what’s wrong the Protecting Americans From Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act (everybody calls it PAFFACAA, conscionable kidding; cipher calls it that, everybody conscionable calls it “The TikTok Ban”) and what we cognize astir TikTok’s transportation to China. The answer: not a lot! But 4 years in, Congress seems much convinced than ever, and that mightiness mean something. Or it mightiness not. We walk a agelong clip debating what that means.

After that, we sermon who mightiness bargain TikTok, whether TikTok is adjacent for sale, and what companies similar Meta, Snap, and X basal to summation from a TikTok ban. And finally, we effort to determine which result is the astir likely: a TikTok ban, a TikTok sale, oregon thing astatine all?

Once we dispense with the TikTok news, we speech astir YouTube’s caller redesign for TVs and Spotify’s propulsion into euphony videos — which are both, successful a way, really stories astir TikTok. Neil Young makes a astonishment reappearance connected the show, and past it’s clip for a lightning round. Brought to you by your favourite caller band, Algorithmic Warfare.

If you privation to work much connected everything we covered successful this amusement (there’s a lot!), present are a fewer links to get you started, archetypal connected TikTok:

And connected the streaming quality of the week:

And successful the lightning round:

We’re truly funny to perceive what you deliberation astir the TikTok prohibition successful particular. As always, you tin get successful interaction with america by emailing, calling the Vergecast Hotline astatine +1-866-VERGE11, oregon hitting america up connected Threads. Or TikTok! For now.

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