Baldur’s Gate 3 developer is moving on from Dungeons and Dragons

3 months ago 5
A screenshot showing Karlach from Baldur’s Gate 3 Image: Larian Studios

With the sheer popularity surrounding Baldur’s Gate 3, the crippled is ripe for an enlargement — but if it ever happens, it won’t beryllium made by its developer Larian Studios. During a sheet astatine the Game Developers Conference connected Thursday, Larian laminitis Swen Vincke revealed that the workplace plans connected moving distant from Dungeons & Dragons games, as archetypal reported by IGN.

“We’re not going to marque caller expansions, which everybody is expecting america to do. We’re not going to marque Baldur’s Gate 4, which everybody is expecting america to do. We’re going to determination on,” Vincke said. He added that Larian is besides going to “move distant from D&D” and commencement a caller project.

Counter expectations but I’ve ne'er been much definite astir a strategy shift. This is the close happening for Larian.

— Swen Vincke @where? (@LarAtLarian) March 22, 2024

As reported by IGN, Vincke said the workplace primitively considered making DLC for Baldur’s Gate 3, but it ended up walking backmost connected the thought aft realizing “it wasn’t truly coming from the heart.”

Larian’s announcement is simply a spot of a astonishment fixed the monolithic occurrence it has seen with Baldur’s Gate 3, which swept the DICE Awards and sold implicit 10 cardinal copies. But alternatively of moving guardant with the franchise, Vincke said the workplace is going to fto Dungeons & Dragons proprietor Wizards of the Coast grip it from here.

“It’s going to beryllium up to Wizards of the Coast, due to the fact that it’s their IP, to find idiosyncratic to instrumentality implicit the torch,” Vincke said. “We deliberation we did our occupation and so, for us, it’s clip to get a caller puppy.” Last year, Wizards of the Coast genitor institution Hasbro laid disconnected astir each the employees connected the Dungeons & Dragons squad who helped Larian marque Baldur’s Gate 3 happen.

The workplace volition proceed patching Baldur’s Gate 3 for the clip being and is inactive moving connected adding authoritative mod support for the crippled connected some PCs and consoles.

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