Billie Eilish will be the bad guy in Fortnite

2 months ago 5
Promotional artwork of Billie Eilish successful  Fortnite. Image: Epic Games

Finally, you tin hide a person arsenic Billie Eilish. Fortnite has revealed its adjacent large philharmonic collaboration, and it volition spot Eilish go a playable quality starting connected April 23rd. You should spot her successful a Victory Crown.

There aren’t galore details conscionable yet, but the vocalist volition beryllium the featured creator for the adjacent play of Fortnite Festival, the Rock Band-like in-game acquisition that launched past year. That means you tin expect her songs to beryllium playable successful that mode and her neon greenish quality tegument to look successful the in-game store (presumably with a Lego variant).

Of course, this is acold from the archetypal big-name prima to beryllium featured successful the game. Eilish follows the likes of Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande, and Eminem; much recently, Fortnite held its now-annual collaboration with Coachella.

Fortnite Festival Main Stage: 4.23.24

— billie eilish (@billieeilish) April 22, 2024

Fortnite is presently successful the midst of a Greek mythology-themed play that launched successful March, which besides includes a large crossover with Avatar: The Last Airbender.

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