Cowboy’s first all-road electric bike is a gentle beast

3 months ago 7
A menacing-looking Cowboy Cross e-bike sits connected  a woody  span  that traverses a pond with gangly  writer  surrounding it. The Cowboy Cross successful “mushroom” with the inverted beforehand suspension fork intelligibly visible. | Photo by Thomas Ricker / The Verge

Cowboy — the autarkic and financially healthy shaper of blase and highly precocious e-bikes — conscionable took the wraps disconnected its archetypal all-roader that lets riders much easy flight cobblestoned metropolis streets for greener pastures.

To bash that, Cowboy’s caller Cross e-bike features fatter 60mm tires and suspension systems built into the beforehand fork and spot station to soak up bumps on the way. It’s besides fitted with grippier pedals to debar ft slips erstwhile bouncing around, a ample 540Wh removable artillery for a 120km (75 miles) max range, and an integrated rear rack to transportation much stuff.

I spent immoderate clip trial riding the Cross e-bike connected a assortment of surfaces, and it’s genuinely a beast successful each the champion imaginable ways. To start, the spot suspension is plush and thing I anticipation Cowboy carries implicit to the remainder of its lineup. The inverted beforehand fork suspension and wider tires besides did their job, making this (very) dense e-bike consciousness perfectly coagulated connected pavement, packed dirt, and gravel. Make nary mistake, I wouldn’t privation a Cross for my adjacent multiday bikepacking trip, but it tin easy modulation from metropolis motorcycle to casual agrarian adventurer.

These bikes besides look great, successful my opinion. The 3 caller metallic satin overgarment colors are earthy successful hue, including a sedate acheronian gray, a beauteous mossy green, and a “mushroom” colour that seemed to alteration from a soiled metallic to a muted purple to a rusty champagne golden arsenic the airy changed. The apical conduit connected the step-over framework besides creates an absorbing floating effect arsenic it splits astir the battery.

Otherwise, this pedal-assisted e-bike — disposable successful some a step-over oregon step-through framework — is powered by a belt-driven 250W rear-hub adaptive-power centrifugal with an EU max velocity of 25km/h, similar Cowboy’s different e-bikes.

Cross is besides Cowboy’s archetypal e-bike to diagnostic a caller Check My Bike self-diagnostic instrumentality that lets the institution automatically show the wellness of its rolling computers with the intent of keeping riders connected the roadworthy longer. The institution is besides adding a caller Live Challenges gamification diagnostic to the app that promises to make “the astir amusive and engaging thrust experience.” Sure.

All of these features articulation a fig of tech embellishments Cowboy is known for, similar clang detection, theft detection, and an fantabulous proprietary app with integrated Google Maps navigation that besides makes scheduling work a breeze.

At launch, Cowboy is pricing Cross astatine €3,499 (about $3,800) earlier it yet rises to €3,999. Sales commencement today.

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