DoorDash, Uber Eats — and Tony

3 months ago 16
A photograph  of a transportation  antheral   styled to lucifer  The Vergecast. Image: Alex Parkin / The Verge

Delivery apps look similar a bully idea, and it’s evident wherefore they’re useful to person around. It’s besides often unclear whether transportation apps really enactment for anyone involved. They marque your worldly much expensive, often successful hard-to-see ways. They instrumentality immense fees from restaurants that request it to survive. Drivers don’t get the wage oregon benefits they should. And successful galore cases, adjacent the apps themselves don’t marque immoderate money! What are we doing here?

Into that messy equation comes a antheral named Tony Delivers. Tony Illes has go thing of a people leader successful the Seattle country by advertizing a overmuch simpler and much quality strategy. With a clump of elemental signs and a $5 transportation fee, he’s starting thing of a transportation gyration from the spot of his bike.

On this occurrence of The Vergecast, Will Poor goes connected a transportation tally with Illes and tries to fig retired wherefore he’s go specified a viral sensation — and whether helium tin crook it into a business.

After that, we speech with Andy Hawkins astir Rivian, the would-be adjacent large happening successful electrical vehicles. Fresh disconnected the much-praised motorboat of the R2 and R3 a mates of weeks ago, we ask: what’s the woody with this company, anyway? Is Rivian the adjacent Tesla, oregon is it the adjacent startup with too-big ambitions and a too-small bankroll, destined to beryllium overrun by bigger players?

Finally, we reply a hotline question astir foldable phones, large hands, and the merits of a months- oregon years-old smartphone. Because, connected this podcast, we emotion large screens.

If you privation to work much connected each the stories successful this episode, present are a fewer links to get you started, opening with Tony Delivers:

And connected Rivian:

And connected foldable phones:

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