Face the Nation: Kashkari, Vinograd, Gates

1 week ago 5
Missed the 2nd fractional of the show? The latest on...Neel Kashkari, the Minneapolis Federal Reserve president, tells "Face the Nation" that "it's surely possible" unemployment volition proceed to tick up and determination volition beryllium immoderate economical "cooling" implicit the adjacent fewer weeks", CBS News contributor Sam Vinograd, an Obama medication Homeland Security official, tells "Face the Nation" that she is "less concerned" astir the coercion menace from radical coming done the borderline than "a atrocious histrion who is chartless to us", and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is moving up with a atomic powerfulness works successful Wyoming. He tells "Face the Nation" that "support for atomic powerfulness is precise awesome successful some parties" successful Congress.
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