Face The Nation: Krishnamoorthi, Gallagher, Swisher

3 months ago 8
Missed the 2nd fractional of the show? The latest on...Reps. Mike Gallagher and Raja Krishnamoorthi, the co-chairs of the House prime committee connected the Chinese Communist Party, articulation "Face the Nation" to sermon the House passing a measure connected TikTok, Tech writer Kara Swisher tells "Face the Nation" that though TikTok's enactment says the institution is not controlled by the Chinese government, "every Chinese institution I've covered has had the tentacles of the Chinese Communist Party progressive successful it, whether they similar it oregon not", and UNICEF main Catherine Russell tells "Face the Nation" that the fig of children who person died truthful acold successful Gaza successful the Israel-Hamas war, which she called an "astronomical, horrifying number." "We haven't seen that complaint of decease among children successful astir immoderate different struggle successful the world," she added.
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