Final Fantasy XVI’s next DLC gets a trailer and a release date

3 months ago 6

Yesterday, Square Enix released a trailer for The Rising Tide, the adjacent paid DLC for Final Fantasy XVI, and gave the enlargement a merchandise date: April 18th. The update to the PS5 crippled volition beryllium disposable arsenic a azygous acquisition add-on oregon successful the $24.99 Final Fantasy XVI PlayStation Store Expansion Pass. And too adding the eikon Leviathan to the game, different contented introduces a crippled mode arsenic good arsenic caller weapons and abilities.

For nary bully reason, I haven’t played a caller Final Fantasy crippled successful years, but I spot Ash Parrish’s conclusion that the Leviathan being missing has been an mistake successful request of correction. PlayStation’s blog post says successful summation to warring it successful a caller brag fight, Clive volition get Leviathan Eikonic abilities, including summoning “a sea-spitting serpent susceptible of dealing precision strikes to enemies astatine large distances” and the quality to flood baddies “both adjacent and acold with the unspeakable mightiness of the Eikon of Water.”

A screenshot showing Clive walking done  a watery area. A upland  successful  the inheritance  has a waterfall pouring disconnected  of it, and a bluish  beam of airy  firing into the sky. Image: Square Enix

The Rising Tide also debuts a caller progressively challenging 20-stage conflict mode called Kairos Gate that Square Enix writes volition bring “new materials and weapons,” with scores uploaded to a planetary leaderbord. Players volition request to decorativeness The Rising Tide and the main crippled to unlock it.

The institution says determination volition besides beryllium a “reimagined version” of the Curtana sword from past Final Fantasy games, and 2 caller hideaway inheritance tunes, “Torn from the Heavens and “Through the Maelstrom.” And there’s a caller stage, called Aire of Hours, acceptable successful the ruins of a erstwhile civilization. Evidently, determination volition beryllium “new threats, including Final Fantasy XVI’s tonberries.”

Lastly, Square Enix is releasing a caller update with quality-of-life improvements connected April 18th:

• Return to a quest giver instantly with the caller “Quick Complete” function

• Icon updates for important quality quests

• A caller Skill Set feature, which allows players to prevention up to 5 unsocial Feat and Ability sets

• Abilities and Accessories adjusted for easier use

• New “Custom” controller benignant allows for freely customizable fastener layouts

• Tone correction, surface effects, and much added to Photo Mode

• Numerous caller orchestrion rolls added

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