Game stores are refunding Ghost of Tsushima pre-orders in non-PSN countries

1 month ago 2
Screenshot from Ghost of Tsushima showing a quality  overlooking a field, with hills and mountains successful  the background. Screenshot: Ghost of Tsushima

Steam is refunding preorders of the director’s chopped of Ghost of Tsushima for buyers who unrecorded successful countries without PlayStation Network access. That’s contempt the information that arguably the astir important portion of the crippled is inactive playable without PlayStation Network relationship linking. The quality comes aft Valve abruptly delisted the crippled yesterday.

Ghost of Tsushima only requires PSN relationship linking for its Legends multiplayer mode, a request the azygous subordinate run is exempt from, the game’s developer went retired of its mode to accidental successful a caller post. Steam, Green Man Gaming, and Epic Games Store each person disclaimers noting the aforesaid thing. In theory, that would mean if you don’t attraction astir multiplayer modes, you could inactive play, but successful practice, not truthful much.

The Steam squad is sending this message retired to players who are being refunded:

You are receiving a refund for a crippled you pre-purchased - Ghost of Tsushima. The steadfast of this crippled is present requiring a secondary relationship to play portions of this crippled - and this relationship cannot beryllium created from your country.

Frustrating arsenic it is, the concern with Tsushima feels cut-and-dry compared to that of Helldivers 2. Earlier this month, Sony announced it would add mandatory PSN relationship linking to Helldivers 2, which had already been disposable to bargain successful non-PSN countries for astir 3 months. Steam rapidly restricted wherever the crippled could beryllium sold to lone countries wherever PSN was available. Players weren’t happy.

Following a review-bombing run that slid the game’s Steam standing from “overwhelmingly positive” to “overwhelmingly negative” successful a substance of days, Sony walked backmost the change. But contempt that, Steam didn’t region the merchantability restrictions.

Arrowhead’s CEO says they person nary thought wherefore Sony conscionable restricted much countries from purchasing Helldivers 2 and recovered retired they did truthful done the community. Arrowhead wants the crippled to beryllium disposable worldwide. Operation Defeat Sony continues! #Helldivers2

— Rebs Gaming (@Mr_Rebs_) May 11, 2024

Then yesterday, 3 much countries— Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania — were added to Steam’s database of sale-restricted countries. The CEO of Arrowhead, Johan Pilestedt, said connected Discord helium wasn’t told astir the newly-added regions, lone uncovering retired astir them done the game’s Discord community.

A screenshot of Helldivers 2 CEO John Pilestedt’s comment. Screenshot: Discord

He aboriginal said this came down to Valve noticing an administrative error, and that the countries were expected to beryllium determination from the start.

A screenshot showing Johan Pilestedt stating he’s trying to get   Helldivers 2 relisted successful  restricted countries. Screenshot: Discord

Pilestedt has said helium is trying to get some PlayStation and Valve to undo the merchantability restrictions. That this determination was made by Sony seems plausible, fixed the concern with Ghost of Tsushima connected aggregate crippled store platforms. However, Since neither Sony nor Valve person responded to The Verge’s petition for remark connected this situation, it’s intolerable to accidental for definite whether that’s true, oregon if the stores are delisting Sony’s games connected their own.

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