Google I/O 2024 is happening on May 14th

3 months ago 8

Google’s adjacent I/O developer league volition footwear disconnected precisely 2 months from present connected May 14th. Just similar past year, the I/O 2024 keynote volition beryllium “broadcast successful beforehand of a constricted unrecorded audience” and disposable for anyone to ticker virtually.

This year’s I/O volition apt absorption connected AI, particularly present that Google released its caller flagship AI model, Gemini, and its smaller version, Gemma.

The Gemini bot’s representation generator caused a contention that Google CEO Sundar Pichai called “completely unacceptable” aft its effort astatine creating pictures showing diverseness had immoderate unintended consequences. Throw successful the flubbed facts from Google’s Bard motorboat past year, and portion the institution has a batch of AI advances to celebrate, on with explanations astir wherefore its exertion volition triumph against contention from Microsoft, OpenAI, Anthropic, and others.

You tin besides expect to perceive astir the caller features acceptable to get successful Android 15, and updates to Google’s different services similar Gmail, Google Photos, and more. A caller Pixel 8A smartphone could besides beryllium successful the cards astatine I/O; Google introduced the mid-range 7A during past year’s event, truthful its successor is apt close astir the country and could spot immoderate of the Pixel 8’s AI capabilities trickle down to a little terms point.

The countdown to #GoogleIO is here! ⏳

Tune successful May 14 for our latest updates and demos →

— Google (@Google) March 14, 2024
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