Google Meet’s face touch-up filters come to desktop

3 months ago 6
A screenshot showing Google Meet’s representation    touch-up feature Image: Google

Google Meet is rolling retired filters you tin usage to “lightly” interaction up your complexion earlier you caput into a meeting. The institution first launched the feature connected mobile past year, but present it’s coming to Google Meet’s web app.

You tin take from 2 antithetic filters: subtle and smoothing. While Google says the subtle filter applies “very light” complexion smoothing, under-eye lightening, and oculus whitening, the smoothing filter makes each 3 effects somewhat much noticeable.

 GIF: Google

Judging by the GIF provided by Google, it doesn’t look similar either enactment dramatically changes your quality similar immoderate of the filters you’ll find connected Snapchat. Instead, it seems to use overmuch lighter effects that marque it look similar you’re not adjacent utilizing a filter. You tin find the touch-up options by selecting the Apply ocular effects mounting successful Meet and choosing Appearance. From there, you tin toggle Portrait touch-up on oregon disconnected and prime your preferred filter.

Google Meet is rolling retired its representation touch-up diagnostic starting today, but it volition lone beryllium disposable to paid users connected the pursuing plans: Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Starter, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Education Plus, Teaching & Learning Upgrade. Google One and Google Workspace Individual subscribers volition besides get entree to representation touch-ups.

Google was a small precocious to the videoconferencing look filter game, arsenic competitors similar Zoom and Microsoft Teams already fto you change your quality — and a batch much drastically, too.

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