How much MacBook is enough MacBook?

3 months ago 7
MacBook Air unfastened  connected  yellowish  desk Image: Alex Parkin / The Verge

Okay, truthful you privation a 13-inch MacBook Air. But you astir apt privation immoderate much RAM, right? Maybe a retention bump since you’re hopefully going to person this machine for a decade? Okay, well, astatine that price, you mightiness arsenic good get the 15-inch Air. It’s fundamentally the aforesaid price. But you astir apt privation immoderate much RAM, right? And possibly a retention bump?

The sneaky upgrade way is 1 of Apple’s astir ingenious income tools — and it applies astir crossed the board, whether the institution is steadily upselling you from a basal iPhone to a Pro Max model, a $329 iPad to an iPad Pro, a basal MacBook Air to a super-powered MacBook Pro, oregon a ace costly keyboard you didn’t adjacent cognize you wanted.

On this occurrence of The Vergecast, we speech astir the caller M3 MacBook Air, whether its basal configuration is capable for astir people, and wherever connected Apple’s upgrade way it makes consciousness for astir radical to stop. We besides sermon whether the spot to halt is really astatine a Walmart, for that overmuch cheaper M1 Air.

After that, we speech astir The Verge’s astir caller escapade successful art task printer reviews and what we’re learning astir the ways the web is changing. We besides speech astir immoderate of the ongoing large quality successful tech regulation, from a never-gonna-happen TikTok prohibition story to the first alternate app stores showing up successful the EU. We besides wonderment wherefore Apple hired Jon Stewart erstwhile it wouldn’t fto him speech to Lina Khan, oregon astir AI oregon China. It could person conscionable not hired Jon Stewart.

In our 3rd lightning circular of the episode, we speech astir the return of the bluish check connected X, the extremity of Google Podcasts, and the ever-increasing terms of Spotify and each different streaming service. Because successful tech, everything is ever changing... and ever getting much expensive.

If you privation to cognize much astir the subjects we screen successful this episode, present are immoderate links to get you started, opening with this week’s large gadget stories:

And connected regulation:

And successful the lightning round:

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