Ikea releases a pair of affordable USB-C chargers

3 months ago 5

Ikea is present selling a pair of its ain USB-C chargers that commencement astatine conscionable $7.99. The 30W Sjöss charger comes with a azygous USB-C port, and there’s besides a 45W exemplary (also called Sjöss) that has 2 USB-C ports for $14.99. This dual-port charger tin lone output 45W of powerfulness erstwhile utilizing 1 larboard astatine a time, with the output halved astatine 22W to each instrumentality erstwhile plugging successful 2 simultaneously.

Ikea’s chargers are compatible with Power Delivery (PD 3.0), Quick Charge (QC4+), and Programmable Power Supply (PPS) specs. Both chargers travel with a expanse of colored stickers that lets you “personalize” them — utile successful households wherever kids oregon flatmates tin easy premix them up.

The large quality present is however affordable Ikea’s 2 chargers are. At the clip of penning Anker’s astir affordable single-port USB-C charger has an MSRP of $13.99 and offers 20W of power, portion getting 30W of powerfulness typically costs $19.99 (though some are presently discounted). It’s a akin communicative implicit connected Aukey’s online store.

Although you should ever cheque the tiny people for the charging standards (and voltage / current) your instrumentality needs to complaint astatine its fastest, 30W should beryllium capable to fast-charge immoderate Samsung devices and iPhones, and adjacent matches the wattage of the basal charger Apple supplies with its M2-powered MacBook Air. 45W should beryllium capable to grip immoderate faster-charging devices excessively — though, again, beryllium definite to cheque the good print.

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