iRobot’s new Roomba vacuums start at just $250

3 months ago 7
iRobot’s Roomba Combo Essential robot vacuum cleaner connected  a woody  floor. The Roomba Combo Essential is disposable present for $275. | Image: irobot

iRobot is adding 2 caller budget-friendly robot vacuum cleaners to its lineup that purpose to supply the champion of the cleaning basics, offering some vacuum-only and 2-in-1 vacuum positive mop models for little than $300.

Superseding the Roomba 694, iRobot claims the caller $275 Roomba Combo Essential vacuum and mop exemplary offers 20x much suction powerfulness than its predecessor, and increases estimated artillery beingness from 90 minutes to 120 minutes connected a afloat charge.

The liquid and suction settings connected the Combo Essential tin beryllium adjusted betwixt 3 levels. It besides features a V-shaped multi-surface brush, an edge-sweeping brush, and a pump-fed microfiber mop pad for usage crossed antithetic surfaces. Additional features see suggested cleaning schedules based connected erstwhile jobs, reports that amusement utile accusation similar cleaning locations and durations wrong the iRobot Home App, and a “Clean While I’m Away” mounting for automatic cleaning erstwhile you permission home.

iRobot’s Roomba Combo Essential showing an illustration  of the Clean Map study  feature. Image: iRobot “Clean Map” reports that amusement however overmuch of your location the Roomba has cleaned tin beryllium recovered successful the iRobot Home App.

The Roomba Combo Essential tin besides beryllium tally successful vac-only mode by removing the mop pad, but if you person nary usage for the mop diagnostic at all past you tin opt to bargain the cheaper mentation that omits it entirely.

The $249.99 Roomba Vac Essential robot is launching alongside the Combo Essential model, offering galore of the aforesaid features successful a vacuum-only package. It’s a bully interaction fixed however fewer rival robo vac providers connection vacuum-only products these days. Mop features tin beryllium wasted connected customers who don’t person suitable floors, and the abstraction freed up could let the vac to spell longer without needing to beryllium emptied.

Unfortunately, neither of the caller Roomba Essential models has the enactment for an auto-emptying dock. That’s a small disappointing arsenic the diagnostic is becoming much prevalent connected affordable offerings from rival robo vac brands.

The Roomba Combo Essential robot is disposable present successful the US, Europe, Middle East, and Africa via, coming to prime US retailers starting April 7th and past Canada from April 12th. The Roomba Vac Essential volition besides beryllium disposable astatine prime US retailers starting April 7th and successful Canada opening April 12th, though planetary availability hasn’t been disclosed.

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