Jeff VanderMeer is writing a fourth Southern Reach novel

3 months ago 6
Book screen  for Jeff Vandermeer’s 4th publication  successful  the Southern Reach series. Image: Farrar, Straus and Giroux

Just similar Area X itself, the mindbending Southern Reach communicative is acceptable to turn adjacent larger. Jeff VanderMeer has confirmed that he’s moving connected a 4th introduction successful the series, which to day has included the books Annihilation, Authority, and Acceptance. (The archetypal was turned into a movie by manager Alex Garland.) In keeping with the alliterative titles, the caller publication volition beryllium called Absolution. It’s owed retired connected October 22nd.

Absolution is coming astir a decennary aft the bid archetypal started, and it’s billed arsenic a prequel to the archetypal trilogy, which followed a mysterious, dangerous, and expanding improvement known arsenic Area X. There aren’t a batch of details astir what crushed the caller publication volition cover, but VanderMeer had this to accidental successful a statement:

Absolution is the astir uncanny, heart-stopping, and, yes, amusive caller I’ve ever written. I didn’t program to constitute a caller caller successful the Southern Reach bid — which is present a quartet! I was blessed to beryllium finished and done with it a decennary ago, though determination were ever a fewer ideas astir Area X that wouldn’t permission maine alone. And past I had a bid of revelations implicit the past mates of years that opened it backmost up for me, and pulled maine backmost successful with a unit I couldn’t resist.

The acquisition was truthful almighty that I wrote without stopping, each day, each day, until 1 week I looked astir successful a daze and realized it was finished. It was exhilarating. Something astir the characters and situations had made it easy, adjacent irresistible, for maine to conscionable spell for it. I’m excited for readers to travel backmost to Area X with maine — I deliberation they’re going to beryllium truly amazed and sometimes shocked by what they find out.

As portion of the announcement — arsenic good arsenic the series’ 10th day — the archetypal 3 books are besides being released with caller covers to lucifer Absolution. VanderMeer books thin to person fantabulous screen art, but adjacent by those standards, these caller reissues from illustrator Pablo Delcan and creation manager Alex Merto look great. They’ll beryllium disposable connected July 30th, and you tin cheque them retired successful the assemblage below:

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