Lego’s 3,745-piece D&D set comes with its own playable adventure

3 months ago 6
The Lego D&D Red Dragons communicative   set. Lego’s Dungeons and Dragons acceptable is acceptable to roll. | Image: Lego

Grab your dice and get acceptable to (literally) assemble your adventuring enactment adjacent period — Lego has yet unveiled the 3,745-piece Dungeons & Dragons set it co-developed with Wizards of the Coast arsenic the tabletop roleplaying crippled celebrates its 50th anniversary.

The $360 set, called “Red Dragon’s Tale,” was inspired by Lucas Bolt’s instrumentality design, “Dragon’s Keep: Journey’s End,” and retains galore of the aforesaid features. There’s a tower, a bridge, a tavern with a removable roof, and yes — some a dungeon and a dragon.

A lego operation   of a operation    and tavern with a greenish  dragon Image: Lego / Lucas Bolt This is Bolt’s archetypal instrumentality design...
A lego operation   of a operation    and tavern with a reddish  dragon Image: Lego ...and the authoritative Lego acceptable that’s disposable to bargain from April 1st.

Lego besides included six minifig adventurers for the large reddish lad — “Cinderhowl” — to terrorize: an orc rogue, elf wizard, dwarf cleric, gnome fighter, Dragonborn bard, and a quality with an anime-protagonist haircut.

A lineup of D&D inspired lego minifigs Image: Lego I spy with many, galore eyes, a beholder successful this lineup that I tin usage successful my adjacent campaign.
A lineup of D&D inspired lego minifigs Image: Lego The owlbear and displacer beast are a small little fearsome successful their ceramic forms.

The acceptable besides comes with immoderate different iconic D&D monsters. Some, similar the skeleton mob and the 2 myconids (mushroom people, basically), look similar minifigs. Others, similar the owl bear, displacer beast, beholder, and gelatinous cube, are brick-built, with the second letting you encase astatine slightest portion of a unfortunate wrong a not-so-gooey prison.

Two lego d&d figurines warring  a gelatinous cube. Image: Lego Whomst among america hasn’t mislaid a quality to a gelatinous cube encounter?
A zoomed successful  changeable  of the Lego D&D set. Image: Lego The acceptable itself has each sorts of nooks for your minifig players to research - cleanable for an ambush.

What I similar champion is that these figurines tin service an further purpose: Lego is besides releasing an escapade publication that you tin play on with utilizing the set. The publication volition beryllium disposable to Lego Insiders from April 1st arsenic a carnal paperback oregon a escaped integer download and volition besides beryllium disposable connected D&D Beyond alongside quality sheets and integer dice.

A lego-themed D&D escapade  module. Image: Lego You tin find the assets for the Lego D&D escapade publication connected DND Beyond.
A lego beholder from the Lego D&D set Image: Lego I’m shocked astatine however good a beholder translates into lego bricks, this feline mightiness beryllium my favourite beastie of the bunch.
Two lego minifigs warring  a lego owlbear. Image: Lego There’s thing stopping you from utilizing these lego monsters successful your existent D&D tabletop sessions.
Lego D&D adventurers drinking successful  a tavern. Image: Lego Don’t hide to popular them into the tavern aft a hard league of dungeon clearing.

And hey, if you don’t attraction for the book, you tin ever usage the acceptable and minifigs successful your ain homebrew campaign.

A lego D&D mimic Image: Lego The escaped mimic dice container is the cleanable situation for immoderate dice that disappoint you 1 excessively galore times.

Dungeons & Dragons: Red Dragon’s Tale volition beryllium disposable connected April 1st for Lego Insiders and for everyone other connected April 4th. If you bid betwixt April 1st and 7th, you besides person a Lego mimic dice container to store each your shiny mathematics rocks in.

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