Microsoft Edge will let you control how much RAM it uses soon

3 months ago 6
An representation  showing the Edge logo Image: The Verge

Microsoft is moving connected a caller diagnostic for its Edge browser that volition fto you bounds the magnitude of RAM it uses. Leopeva64, who is 1 of the champion astatine uncovering caller Edge features, has spotted a caller settings conception successful trial builds of the browser that includes a slider truthful you tin bounds however overmuch RAM Edge gets entree to.

The RAM slider appears to beryllium targeted toward PC gamers, arsenic determination is simply a mounting successful Canary versions of Edge that lets you bounds the magnitude of RAM erstwhile you’re playing a PC crippled oregon each of the time. While the slider lets you prime betwixt conscionable 1GB and 16GB connected a strategy with 16GB of RAM, Microsoft warns that “setting a debased bounds whitethorn interaction browser speed.” I can’t hold to witnesser the chaos of Edge trying to grip my 100-plus tabs connected conscionable 1GB of RAM.

A caller conception connected the Settings leafage could fto you power however overmuch RAM Edge tin use, you tin besides take whether this power is activated lone erstwhile you are playing a crippled oregon always:

— Leopeva64 (@Leopeva64) March 27, 2024

It’s not yet wide erstwhile Microsoft volition vessel this feature, arsenic it’s lone successful investigating successful Canary versions of Edge close now. The RAM slider is besides disposable successful the browser essentials section, which includes the powerfulness ratio mode for Edge. Microsoft introduced the power / show mode for Edge years agone to amended the RAM, CPU, and artillery usage of the browser.

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