Microsoft to hold a special Windows and Surface AI event in May

3 months ago 5
The Surface Pro 9 successful  laptop mode. Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The Verge

Microsoft is holding an AI lawsuit successful the greeting connected Monday, May 20th — close earlier Build 2024 starts. In an invitation emailed to media, Microsoft says CEO Satya Nadella volition speech astir the company’s “AI imaginativeness crossed hardware and software.”

The lawsuit won’t beryllium livestreamed, and volition lone beryllium unfastened to journalists who be the lawsuit successful person. Microsoft’s peculiar lawsuit volition absorption connected upcoming Surface hardware and changes to Windows that are each focused connected AI. While the bundle elephantine is holding a business-focused Surface lawsuit aboriginal this week, sources acquainted with Microsoft’s plans archer The Verge that the May 20th lawsuit volition see the user versions of the Surface Pro 10 and Surface Laptop 6.

These user Surface devices volition tally connected Qualcomm’s latest Snapdragon X Elite processors, and see dedicated NPU hardware for accelerating AI tasks successful Windows 11. Microsoft is besides moving connected a caller AI Explorer diagnostic for Windows 11, that’s designed to enactment arsenic a timeline you tin hunt done connected your PC. Windows Central reports that it volition catalog everything you bash connected your PC truthful you tin hunt for moments, overmuch similar the Timeline diagnostic successful Windows 10 that Microsoft yet removed.

This lawsuit volition besides acceptable the signifier for “the twelvemonth of the AI PC,” arsenic Microsoft has described it. Partners including AMD, Intel, and Qualcomm are each acceptable to vessel processors acceptable for Microsoft’s large Windows AI push, but we’re waiting to perceive erstwhile Windows volition beryllium acceptable to instrumentality vantage of these caller chips and laptops.

The May 20th lawsuit volition besides see different parts of Microsoft’s AI initiatives, including Copilot. Microsoft precocious launched its $20 per period Copilot Pro subscription worldwide, which lets users entree the latest OpenAI models successful Microsoft Office apps.

Microsoft Build starts on Tuesday, May 21st and runs done May 22nd. There, Microsoft says it volition stock updates connected “AI, Copilots, and more.” The lawsuit volition instrumentality spot some in-person successful Seattle and online.

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