MrBeast and T-Series are battling for the most-subscribed YouTube channel

1 month ago 4
Mr. Beast is seen successful  attendance during the UFC 299 lawsuit   astatine  Kaseya Center connected  March 09, 2024 successful  Miami, Florida. MrBeast’s 252 cardinal YouTube subscribers are nipping astatine the heels of T-Series. | Photo by Chris Unger/Zuffa LLC via Getty Images

Despite his immense popularity and online presence, Jimmy Donaldson (aka MrBeast) has ne'er been the astir subscribed transmission connected YouTube — though that whitethorn not beryllium the lawsuit for long. T-Series, India’s largest euphony statement and movie studio, presently holds the apical spot with 263 cardinal YouTube subscribers, but MrBeast is rapidly closing successful connected that fig with 252 cardinal subs.

With its starring presumption present threatened, T-Series published a caller video connected Monday encouraging viewers to subscribe to the channel. It opens with the punctuation “I privation to enactment India and my radical astatine the apical of the planetary platform,” attributed to T-Series laminitis Gulshan Kumar (who passed distant successful 1997), earlier calling for prospective subscribers to “make past together.”

The video itself doesn’t notation MrBeast directly, but the telephone to enactment stands retired among the accustomed euphony videos and movie trailers posted by T-Series. Subscriber stats for some accounts besides amusement a opposition successful maturation — portion MrBeast has gained 7 cardinal subscribers successful the past month, T-Series lone attracted 2 million. Annual figures reported by Tubefilter are similar, with the 23 cardinal subs T-Series gained implicit the past twelvemonth being vastly eclipsed by MrBeast’s 105 million.

With the upcoming sub contention with T-Series I conscionable privation to marque wide I emotion my fans from India and this has thing to bash with countries, I conscionable privation to beryllium #1 astir subscribed haha

— MrBeast (@MrBeast) November 16, 2023

T-Series has held onto the reigning spot successful YouTube’s rankings since it surpassed Felix “PewDiePie” Kjellberg backmost successful 2019, becoming the first transmission to deed 100 cardinal subscribers. MrBeast likewise dethroned PewDiePie successful November 2022 to go the most subscribed individual YouTuber connected the platform.

There’s been immoderate lighthearted rivalry betwixt MrBeast and T-Series since then, with the erstwhile vowing to instrumentality the apical spot in PewDiePie’s honor. And with MrBeast present venturing extracurricular of YouTube to big a $5 cardinal Beast Games gameshow with Prime Video, his assemblage volition apt grow capable to execute that goal.

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