Notepad in Windows 11 is finally getting a spellcheck feature

3 months ago 14
Incorrect spelling volition beryllium a happening of the past successful Notepad soon. | Image: Microsoft

Microsoft is bringing the spellcheck diagnostic to its Notepad app connected Windows 11. Testers tin present entree the caller spellcheck enactment successful Notepad, which volition beryllium disposable to each Windows 11 users aboriginal this year.

Spellcheck successful Notepad works overmuch similar it does successful Microsoft Word oregon wrong the Microsoft Edge browser. Misspelled words are automatically underlined successful red, and you tin hole mistakes with a right-click to spot suggestions for spellings. Microsoft has adjacent added autocorrect, truthful mistakes are fixed arsenic you proceed typing. Spellcheck successful Notepad volition besides enactment aggregate languages, and you tin disregard words successful documents and adhd them to a dictionary.

“This diagnostic is enabled by default for immoderate record types but is disconnected by default successful log files and different record types typically associated with coding,” says Dave Grochocki, main merchandise manager pb for Windows Inbox Apps, in a blog post. “You tin toggle this mounting connected oregon disconnected globally oregon for definite record types successful Notepad app settings oregon temporarily for the existent record successful the discourse menu.”

Spellcheck successful Notepad is the latest diagnostic summation successful a agelong enactment of improvements to this built-in Windows 11 app. Microsoft announced successful December that it’s adding a character number to Notepad soon, soon aft the bundle shaper added a caller autosave enactment that lets you adjacent the app without a prevention punctual each time. Microsoft has besides added a dark mode to Notepad, tabs, Copilot AI integration, and adjacent a virtual fidget spinner.

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