Now you can use ChatGPT without an account

3 months ago 7
Illustration of the OpenAI logo connected  an orangish  inheritance  with purple lines Illustration: The Verge

OpenAI volition nary longer necessitate an relationship to usage ChatGPT, the company’s escaped AI platform. However, this lone applies to ChatGPT, arsenic different OpenAI products, similar DALL-E 3, outgo wealth to entree and volition inactive necessitate an relationship for access. “We’re rolling this retired gradually, with the purpose to marque AI accessible to anyone funny astir its capabilities,” OpenAI said successful a blog post.

Ever since ChatGPT first rolled retired astatine the extremity of 2022, funny users person had to motion up for an OpenAI account. The chatbot proved fashionable and made ChatGPT 1 of the fastest-growing services ever. The institution past added paid subscriptions to entree products similar DALL-E 3 and much precocious models. Users volition request an relationship to prevention and reappraisal chat history, stock chats, and have voiced conversations.

OpenAI has said much than 100 cardinal radical crossed 185 countries usage ChatGPT weekly. Traffic tracker SimilarWeb recovered ChatGPT, with an estimated 1.6 cardinal visitors successful February, remains the astir visited AI chatbot tract adjacent though Google’s Gemini has begun to summation momentum. However, its postulation has dipped somewhat from the highs reached successful May 2023 erstwhile the fig of estimated visits topped 1.8 billion.

OpenAI said it introduced “additional contented safeguards for this experience,” including blocking prompts successful a wider scope of categories, but did not expound much connected what these categories are. The enactment to opt retired of exemplary grooming volition inactive beryllium available, adjacent to those without accounts. ChatGPT users tin toggle if their ChatGPT enactment tin beryllium utilized to bid OpenAI’s AI models.

Meanwhile, different OpenAI products, similar the recently announced AI dependable cloning work Voice Engine and the video instauration level Sora, stay disposable lone to a constricted fig acceptable of users and partners and are not portion of the perks of having an OpenAI account.

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