Nuclear Throne studio Vlambeer is back from the dead

3 months ago 5
A screenshot from Vlambeer’s upcoming shooter Ultrabugs. Vlambeer’s upcoming shooter Ultrabugs. | Image: Vlambeer

Back successful 2020, indie workplace Vlambeer celebrated its 10th day by... shutting down. But it turns out, that was a small premature. Co-founder Jan Willem Nijman has announced that helium present owns the Vlambeer sanction outright and volition proceed processing games nether the statement — starting with the unreleased shooter Ultrabugs.

Vlambeer was founded by Nijman and Rami Ismail successful 2010 and went connected to merchandise hits similar Nuclear Throne and Ridiculous Fishing. In a connection successful 2020, the duo said, “It feels similar we’ve achieved what we acceptable retired to bash - arsenic a studio, arsenic a voice, and arsenic individuals, and we are highly grateful for these past years.”

According to Ismail, though, the workplace ne'er really afloat unopen down. It continued to bash lawsuit enactment and attraction for existing games, and helium says that the brace “were not afloat blessed with wherever things ended up.” As Ismail wrote connected his idiosyncratic blog, “It felt similar a unusual limbo successful which neither of america could perpetrate the clip and effort Vlambeer needed to beryllium maintained, but some of america were babelike connected each different to instrumentality immoderate action.”

“It’s excessively casual for games to get mislaid successful clip and that’s a damn shame.”

The solution was for 1 of them to support the Vlambeer sanction going, and that work yet fell connected Nijman, who purchased Ismail’s fractional of the company. And helium already has immoderate plans. First up is the eventual merchandise of the arcade shooter Ultrabugs, which is successful improvement for PC and the Nintendo Switch. After that volition beryllium updates for Ridiculous Fishing EX, an updated mentation of the crippled that launched connected Apple Arcade past year.

One extremity volition beryllium to guarantee Vlambeer’s past games, which are mostly disposable connected integer platforms, are inactive accessible going forward. “I privation to sphere the classical Vlambeer games, and marque definite they enactment playable acold into the future,” Nijman says. “It’s excessively casual for games to get mislaid successful clip and that’s a damn shame.”

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