Rivian owners now have access to Tesla Superchargers

3 months ago 5

Rivian owners volition beryllium capable to complaint their electrical trucks and SUVs astatine Tesla Supercharger stations starting contiguous astatine 9AM PT / 12 PM ET, the institution tells The Verge. The quality comes aft respective Rivian owners noticed a bundle update allowing Supercharger entree implicit the weekend.

Rivian was 1 of the archetypal automakers to denote plans to follow Tesla’s North American Charging Standard (NACS) for its aboriginal EVs. For existent owners, Rivian volition nonstop retired a Tesla-made adapter escaped of charge, overmuch similar Ford started doing past month.

The adapter volition let Rivian owners to link Tesla’s charging plug into their vehicles’ port

The adapter volition let Rivian owners to link Tesla’s charging plug into their vehicles’ port. The company’s existent lineup of vehicles diagnostic Combined Charging System (CCS) inlets for DC accelerated charging, but starting successful 2025, Rivian said it volition manufacture its vehicles with the NACS inlet built natively into the vehicle. The upcoming R2, R3, and R3X vehicles volition travel with factory-installed NACS inlets.

Rivian is sending retired 1 adapter per customer, based connected the vehicle’s VIN number. A spokesperson couldn’t corroborate whether the adapter would lone beryllium escaped for a constricted time, similar Ford’s program to commencement charging $230 per adapter aft July 2024.

Rivian owners tin find and navigate to Superchargers done their vehicle’s infotainment system, arsenic good arsenic the automaker’s smartphone app. The strategy allows for Plug and Charge standard, successful which charging begins automatically arsenic soon arsenic the conveyance is connected. Payment tin besides beryllium handled done Rivian’s app, meaning that customers won’t person to download the Tesla app successful bid to wage for their charging.

In a statement, Rivian’s main bundle officer, Wassym Bensaid, said the update volition springiness Rivian owners entree to implicit 15,000 caller DC accelerated chargers crossed the US.

“We firmly judge an unfastened charging ecosystem is simply a cardinal operator for accrued EV adoption, truthful we worked intimately with Tesla to connection a seamless integer acquisition for Rivian owners, including optimized Plug and Charge, integration into Rivian mobile and in-vehicle navigation apps with travel planner and unrecorded charger availability,” Bensaid said. “Combined with our fast-growing Rivian Adventure Network and thousands of existing nationalist DC accelerated chargers, it’s present easier than ever to caput retired connected an all-electric roadworthy trip.”

Rivian has said it plans to instal thousands of its ain DC accelerated chargers astatine hundreds of locations implicit the adjacent fewer years. The company’s Adventure Network calls for the installation of implicit 10,000 charging stations, including the slower Level 2 chargers.

For years, Tesla Superchargers were exclusive to Tesla conveyance owners. In fact, that was 1 of Tesla’s main selling points: consistent, exclusive, and abundant EV charging. But eventually, the institution started offering entree to non-Tesla EVs, archetypal successful Europe and past successful the US aft the Biden medication said it would beryllium a prerequisite to pat into immoderate of the $7.5 billion for EV charging successful the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Tesla CEO Elon Musk said helium ne'er intended the Supercharger web to beryllium a “walled garden.”

Tesla’s Supercharger web is wide recognized arsenic superior to galore of the third-party EV charging stations, astir of which diagnostic CCS plugs and the little utilized CHAdeMO charging standard. The institution says it has 55,000 Superchargers worldwide, 15,000 of which are located successful the US.

Rivian says that its customers tin entree astir mentation 3 (V3) Tesla Superchargers utilizing the adapter, portion immoderate older V2 Superchargers won’t beryllium disposable to Rivian owners.

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