Samsung Care Plus adds unlimited battery repair — for a price

3 months ago 5
Samsung Galaxy S24 and S24 Plus broadside  by broadside  showing surface  size difference. Photo by Allison Johnson / The Verge

Samsung is raising the terms of its Care Plus instrumentality extortion plans — but, successful exchange, it’s throwing successful unlimited artillery repair. In an email spotted by Sammobile, Samsung tells customers that Care Plus and the much costly Care Plus Theft and Loss program volition summation successful terms by $2.

The caller pricing goes into effect connected May 1st, 2024, which is erstwhile Samsung plans connected rolling retired a caller unlimited artillery repair enactment for “eligible devices.” To suffice for a artillery repair, Samsung says the telephone indispensable person a charging capableness beneath 79 percent and nary “additional damage.” The Verge reached retired to Samsung for much accusation connected which devices are eligible for unlimited artillery repairs, arsenic good arsenic whether it volition beryllium wholly free, but didn’t instantly perceive back.

AppleCare Plus likewise includes repairs for batteries with little than 80 percent of their archetypal capacity, portion Asurion, a third-party instrumentality security company, offers plans with unlimited artillery replacement. Google’s Preferred Care program, connected the different hand, doesn’t spell out its artillery repair argumentation but says it includes mechanical oregon electrical breakdowns and accidental damage.

Depending connected which tier your telephone falls under, the Care Plus update means you’ll person to wage anyplace from $5 to $13 per period for Samsung Care Plus oregon $10 to $10 for Samsung Care Plus Theft and Loss. Both Care Plus plans connection escaped repairs for mechanical breakdowns, arsenic good arsenic cheaper surface replacements and fixes for accidental damage. The main quality is that the Samsung Care Plus Theft and Loss Plan adds replacements for mislaid oregon stolen devices.

If you haven’t yet received an email astir the terms change, you tin work it beneath (or connected Reddit):

Dear X

We are penning to fto you cognize astir upcoming changes to your Samsung instrumentality extortion program. Samsung’s records bespeak that you are presently enrolled successful Samsung Care+ with Theft and Loss oregon Samsung Care+. In May 2024, Samsung volition see Unlimited Battery Repair for eligible devices*, that grounds a charging capableness beneath 79% arsenic indicated by a diagnostic test, arsenic a caller diagnostic to the Samsung Care+ with Theft and Loss and Samsung Care+ instrumentality extortion products. Customers volition beryllium eligible for Unlimited Battery Repairs without further harm to the covered instrumentality being present. This repair enactment volition beryllium disposable done some walk-in oregon mail-in repair.

Additionally, effectual connected your May billing cycle, the monthly outgo of Samsung Care+ with Theft and Loss and Samsung Care+ volition summation $2.

These changes volition lone interaction the work declaration information of your Samsung Care+ Theft and Loss oregon Samsung Care+ product. There is nary enactment required connected your part, however, you whitethorn cancel your sum astatine immoderate clip without punishment by calling 866-371-9501. Payment of the monthly complaint connected your archetypal billing rhythm connected oregon aft May 1 2024 volition service arsenic confirmation that you judge these changes and that you privation to continue.

Samsung strives to continually heighten its Care+ products with invaluable benefits to assistance amended support your Galaxy beingness enabling you to usage your instrumentality with confidence. Please beryllium connected the lookout for aboriginal enhancements.

If you person immoderate questions regarding these changes, delight notation to the revised Terms & Conditions oregon interaction Samsung Care+ straight astatine 1-866-371-9501

Best Regards, Team Samsung Care+

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