.pg is the Internet country code top-level domain for Papua New Guinea. Registrations are made beneath the second-level names.com.pg,.net.pg,.ac.pg,.gov.pg,.mil.pg, and.org.pg. The dispute resolution policy is similar to that of... Wikipedia
- Introduced: 26 September 1991
- TLD type: Country code top-level domain
- Status: Active
- Registry: Papua New Guinea University of Technology
- Sponsor: Papua New Guinea University of Technology
- Intended use: Entities connected with Papua New Guinea
- Actual use: Gets some use in Papua New Guinea
- Registration restrictions: Must have local presence or interests in Papua New Guinea
- Structure: Registrations are made at the third level beneath some second-level labels
- Documents: Policy
- Dispute policies: Similar to pre-2000 Network Solutions dispute policy
- Website: Unitech DNS
- Data source: DuckDuckGo