Sony’s PS5 Pro is up to three times faster, may arrive holiday 2024

3 months ago 6
The PlayStation 5 console connected  a woody  table Photo by Vjeran Pavic / The Verge

Sony is reportedly moving connected a PlayStation 5 Pro exemplary that whitethorn good see a acold much almighty GPU that’s up to 3 times faster than the existing PS5 models. YouTuber Moore’s Law is Dead claims to person gotten entree to a method overview papers for the PS5 Pro, codenamed Trinity, and present Tom Henderson astatine Insider Gaming reports that the leaked specifications are close and the console is presently acceptable to merchandise during the vacation 2024 period.

Screenshots from the method papers see a notation of 67 teraflops of 16-bit floating constituent calculations, which works retired to astir 33.5 teraflops. That reportedly works retired to a 45 percent rendering show betterment implicit the PS5. The existing PS5 is simply a 10.28 teraflop console, truthful tripling that would beryllium a important show summation connected the GPU broadside alone.

The documents, which were reportedly posted to Sony’s ain developer portal, besides notation PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution (PSSR). This is rumored to usage PlayStation instrumentality learning for representation upscaling that’s akin to Nvidia’s DLSS oregon AMD’s FSR. This whitethorn good see upscaling to 8K resolutions successful aboriginal versions, and volition assistance amended ray tracing show connected this rumored PS5 Pro hardware.

While Moore’s Law is Dead hasn’t ever been the astir reliable root for console leaks, Henderson’s reporting suggests that Sony’s ain first-party studios person been investigating PS5 Pro devkits since September, with 3rd parties getting entree successful January. Henderson previously reported past twelvemonth that a PS5 Pro was being planned with a people merchandise day of November 2024. It sounds similar Sony whitethorn good beryllium connected people to deed that ambitious timeframe.

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