Spotify’s latest AI feature builds playlists based on text descriptions

3 months ago 7
A screenshot taken of the caller   Spotify AI Playlist diagnostic   successful  the iOS app. Spotify says it volition proceed moving connected its generative playlist diagnostic “over the coming months.” | Image: Spotify / Verge

After experimenting with AI playlist procreation successful its DJ diagnostic past year, Spotify is present launching a beta instrumentality that allows users to make a curated tracklist based connected substance descriptions. Its caller AI Playlist beta is initially rolling retired to Spotify Premium subscribers connected mobile devices successful the United Kingdom and Australia.

Android and iOS users successful those locations tin find the AI Playlist generator by heading into “Your Library” and tapping the “+” fastener astatine the top-right of the page. After selecting the AI Playlist enactment from the drop-down menu, users tin benignant successful a punctual — specified arsenic “music to work to connected a cold, rainy day” — to get a playlist of 30 songs that lucifer that vibe. The results tin beryllium tweaked utilizing further prompts similar “more bittersweet music” until the idiosyncratic is satisfied with the playlist, astatine which constituent it tin beryllium saved by tapping “create” astatine the apical right.

Four mobile devices showing a step-by-step usher  to utilizing Spotify’s caller   AI Playlist beta feature. Image: Spotify This is wherever you’ll find the diagnostic if AI Playlists person rolled retired to your device.

In my testing, AI Playlists did an awesome occupation of matching songs to niche prompts. For example, it spat retired a delightful premix of rave-appropriate techno euphony erstwhile I asked it to make a playlist that would “make maine consciousness similar a vampire huntsman from Blade (1998)” and adjacent titled the playlist arsenic “Blade’s Essence” without further input. Spotify says that users volition get amended playlists by utilizing prompts that incorporate “a operation of genres, moods, artists, oregon decades,” and that places, animals, activities, movie characters, colors, and adjacent emojis tin beryllium referenced by the feature. Spotify says it volition proceed moving connected its generative playlist diagnostic “over the coming months.”

A screenshot of Spotify connected  iOS, utilizing the caller   AI Playlists diagnostic   successful  beta. Image: Spotify / Verge You get a fewer options for curation, including further prompts and removing circumstantial tracks you don’t want.

There are a fewer limitations to beryllium alert of — AI Playlists won’t nutrient results for non-music-related prompts similar existent events oregon circumstantial brands, and determination are “measures successful spot astir prompts that are offensive,” for example.

Using it has been a amusive acquisition truthful far. It’s a overmuch faster mode to propulsion unneurotic an ensemble than manually gathering a playlist, and provides immoderate functionality arsenic a euphony find instrumentality for those who privation to find caller tunes that travel a circumstantial aesthetic. That already makes it consciousness much utile than Spotify’s AI DJ, which generates a customized playlist based connected your full listening past with constricted options to curate the last results.

The caller diagnostic could, however, besides beryllium a contributing origin successful the price increases Spotify is expected to introduce aboriginal this year. At the moment, Premium subscriptions commencement astatine $5.99 per period for students oregon $10.99 for individuals. We person asked Spotify erstwhile different regions tin expect the beta and volition update this communicative if we perceive back.

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