Star Wars’ next animated anthology explores the dark side

3 months ago 6
 Tales of the Empire. Image: Lucasfilm

Disney Plus is connected a tally of turning Marvel and Star Wars stories into animated anthologies, and that’s not stopping anytime soon. The latest is Star Wars: Tales of the Empire, a follow-up to 2022’s Tales of the Jedi, which, naturally, explores the acheronian broadside of the Force. It starts streaming connected Disney Plus connected May 4th.

The bid volition dwell of six episodes, which volition beryllium divided betwixt 2 quality perspectives: the Nightsister Morgan Elsbeth (who volition beryllium acquainted to those who watched Ahsoka) and erstwhile Jedi Barriss Offee (previously featured successful Attack of the Clones and The Clone Wars). According to Disney, the bid “focuses connected antecedently untold events successful the lives of the featured characters.”

Tales of the Empire joins a increasing database of animated anthologies connected Disney Plus, including the likes of Star Wars: Visions and Marvel’s What If...?, arsenic good arsenic non-franchise collections similar the Afrofuturism-themed Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire. It’s besides not the lone darker Star Wars communicative coming to Disney Plus soon; The Acolyte starts streaming connected June 4th.

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