Starship Home for the Quest 3 is an attempt to give meaning to mixed reality

3 months ago 7

Starship Home, a cozy mixed-reality crippled for the Meta Quest 3, is trying to get to the bosom of “what makes a crippled meaningful successful mixed reality.” That’s according to developer Doug North Cook, who wrote connected Reddit that the game, which turns your situation into a customized spaceship and you into an intergalactic horticulturist, is indie workplace Creature’s “first reply to that question.”

A Meta Quest blog post says players volition customize their starship by “strategically placing virtual windows, power panels, and different components” successful their room. Outside the windows, the game’s trailer shows you’ll spot things similar abstraction creatures, planets, cloud-tops, and question animations arsenic you permission planets. When players onshore connected a planet, they’ll cod works clippings and nurture them aboard their ship. The crippled uses the Quest 3’s automatic country meshing, truthful you won’t person to bash immoderate manual blocking to archer the headset wherever things are successful your space.

A screenshot showing passthrough video of a room, but with AR objects similar  windows connected  the walls and plants connected  surfaces. Image: Creature This could beryllium your abstraction room.

Starship Home’s communicative puts players successful complaint of exploring planets and redeeming alien flora from a “sinister blight that threatens works beingness crossed the galaxy.” Other aspects of the crippled volition see entering the plants’ dreams, navigating with a prima chart, interplanetary abstraction jumps, and “unraveling the mystery” of the sickness afflicting the plants, according to Creature’s website.

A screenshot showing the a watering tin  pouring h2o  into a cookware  with an otherworldly works  that has an eyeball. Image: Creature How astir a works that looks astatine you?

The full happening sounds similar it could beryllium precise amusive — if it’s done right. The developer doesn’t look to accidental whether your spaceship persists crossed play sessions (it sounds similar it might, fixed Cook’s Reddit reply saying determination volition beryllium prevention files “so you tin each person your ain Starship”). If it does, that could springiness you a existent crushed to really enactment the headset connected each day. You know, the benignant of time-honored contented seen successful everything from Animal Crossing to Tamagotchi. “Sorry, family,” you mightiness say, “I request to spell down to the basement to play with my trains thin to my abstraction plants.”

Starship Home is simply a Quest 3 exclusive; its first, according to UploadVR. At the moment, it doesn’t person a circumstantial merchandise date, but Creature says it’ll beryllium retired successful the 3rd 4th this year.

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