Super Soaker spiritual successor Spyra just shrank its USB-C water blaster

3 months ago 5
A red, raking artifact  firearm  held by a teen’s arm, pointed down   on  the aforesaid  enactment     arsenic  their bluish  jeans The SpyraGo electrical h2o blaster | Image: Spyra

Would you wage $180 for a USB-C h2o blaster that blasts an full changeable solid afloat of liquid each clip you propulsion the trigger? That’s been Spyra’s pitch for the past six years, but contiguous it’s revealing a caller artifact that costs (and weighs) little than a 3rd of its erstwhile products.

The caller SpyraGo volition outgo conscionable $54 erstwhile it arrives connected March 26th, a terms yet debased capable to tempt me! It’s 5 inches shorter, betwixt 1 and 2 inches slimmer, and importantly weighs conscionable 3 pounds afloat loaded. (The SpyraThree weighs astir nine pounds astatine afloat capacity.)

 Image: Spyra

The catch, unfortunately, is it’s besides far little powerful: alternatively of firing shot-glass-sized 30 milliliter h2o “bullets,” the caller SpyraGo volition blast conscionable 6 milliliters each clip you propulsion the trigger. You lone get astir fractional the maximum range, and there’s nary ‘charge up to occurrence a bigger blast’ feature. This one’s aimed astatine younger folks, truthful I conjecture that each makes sense.

 Image: Spyra

On the positive side, you tin present capable it with a h2o vessel (no much needing a excavation oregon bucket!) and get 75 shots earlier reloading, triple that of erstwhile blasters. It tin occurrence its azygous shots doubly arsenic fast. And portion there’s nary much screen, you bash get a caller model to cheque your h2o tank.

Spyra was gracious capable to supply america with a afloat database of examination specs, which I’ve distilled to make this chart:

Like I said erstwhile I tested the SpyraTwo and manual SpyraLX a mates years ago, h2o blasters person been stuck successful a rut for decades, arsenic Hasbro has mostly neglected the once-dominant Super Soaker brand. And portion galore Chinese companies person sprung up with clones, nary of them (not adjacent Xiaomi with its Spyra-like Pulse Water Gun) person managed to lucifer Spyra.


Nothing similar a h2o weapon to marque it consciousness similar summer. But, is this $174 h2o soaker worthy the hype? #spyra #watergun #summerrecap

♬ archetypal dependable - The Verge

I don’t cognize if Spyra volition ever rather bring backmost the almighty h2o blaster bliss of the Super Soaker CPS and XPS days, but here’s hoping.

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