Surprise! Google will let the Pixel 8 run on-device AI after all

3 months ago 4
Google Pixel 8 successful  pinkish  connected  a pinkish  inheritance  with reddish  transparent squares. Google Pixel 8 owners tin person a small on-device AI, arsenic a treat. | Photo by Allison Johnson / The Verge

We did it, y’all. We bullied Google into letting the Pixel 8 tally on-device AI. Starting with the adjacent Pixel diagnostic drop, the Pixel 8 volition usage Gemini Nano for a mates of AI features.

Google announced Gemini Nano arsenic its mobile-optimized ample connection exemplary successful December and said it would beryllium a halfway portion of Android successful the aboriginal — but successful its ain instrumentality lineup, lone the Pixel 8 Pro was capable to usage it. Despite utilizing the aforesaid Tensor G3 chipset, the Pixel 8 wasn’t getting on-device AI due to the fact that of “hardware limitations.” Pixel fans and watchful Android experts asked the aforesaid question: what the heck, Google?

The Pixel 8 volition get enactment for Gemini Nano successful the adjacent Pixel diagnostic driblet arsenic a developer preview, powering on-device recorder summaries and astute replies successful Gboard — aforesaid arsenic the Pixel 8 Pro. Meanwhile, Samsung started rolling retired AI features to its previous-generation flagship phones today. In a blog station earlier this year, Samsung said that this AI diagnostic enlargement would utilize some on- and off-device AI. Google’s “hardware limitation” mentation for Gemini Nano’s lack connected the Pixel 8 was starting to look beauteous shaky.

In immoderate case, a triumph is simply a victory, and I’m beauteous definite this 1 belongs to each of us. Peer pressure works, my friends.

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