The FTC and DOJ think McDonald’s ice cream machines should be legal to fix

3 months ago 10
An representation  showing McDonald’s crystal  pick  machine Image: iFixit via YouTube

The Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice’s antitrust part filed a remark with the US Copyright Office asking for an expanded exemption to copyright instrumentality for the close to repair definite devices. The comment was submitted connected Thursday, amid the Copyright Office’s deliberations implicit whether to contented caller exemptions to Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), a instrumentality that prohibits breaking bundle transcript protection. Under Section 1201, repairing your ain devices tin often go a copyright violation.

Exemptions to DMCA Section 1201 are issued each 3 years, arsenic per the Register of Copyrights’ recommendation. Prior exemptions person been issued for jailbreaking cellphones and repairing definite parts of video crippled consoles. The FTC and DOJ are asking the Copyright Office to spell a measurement further, extending the close to repair to “commercial and concern equipment.” The remark singles retired 4 chiseled categories that would payment from DMCA exemptions: commercialized brushed service machines; proprietary diagnostic kits; programmable logic controllers; and endeavor IT.

“In the Agencies’ view, renewing and expanding repair-related exemptions would beforehand contention successful markets for replacement parts, repair, and attraction services, arsenic good arsenic facilitate contention successful markets for repairable products,” the remark reads.

The inability to bash third-party repairs connected these products not lone limits competition, the agencies say, but besides makes repairs much costly and can pb to hundreds oregon thousands of dollars successful mislaid sales. Certain logic controllers person to beryllium discarded and replaced if they interruption oregon if the passwords for them get lost. The mean estimated outgo of “unplanned manufacturing downtime” was $260,000 per hour, the remark notes, citing probe from Public Knowledge and iFixit. As for brushed service machines, breakdowns tin pb to $625 successful mislaid income each day. Business owners can’t legally hole them connected their ain oregon prosecute an autarkic technician to bash so, meaning they person to hold astir for an authorized technician — which, the remark says, usually takes astir 90 days.

Last August, iFixit performed a teardown connected the exact crystal pick instrumentality exemplary McDonald’s uses. The instrumentality fto retired aggregate “nonsensical, counterintuitive, and seemingly random” mistake codes, but determination was thing to beryllium done — not due to the fact that it was unfixable but due to the fact that the instrumentality prohibits anyone but Taylor, the manufacturer, from fixing the machines. After a third-party company, Kytch, built a merchandise that tin work the mistake codes, McDonald’s told its franchise owners not to usage it.

If the Copyright Office decides to perceive to the FTC and DOJ, that could each change. For now, though, the likelihood the crystal pick instrumentality astatine your section McDonald’s is breached are inactive beauteous high.

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