The lock-in problem at the heart of the Apple monopoly lawsuit

3 months ago 6
Illustration of an iPhone surrounded by greenish  and bluish  connection   bubbles. Green bubbles are really a large portion of the DOJ’s lawsuit against Apple. | Illustration by Cath Virginia / The Verge

It’s nary concealed that Apple products enactment champion if you instrumentality with an iPhone. It turns retired that’s a large crushed wherefore Apple landed successful blistery h2o today with the US Department of Justice, which alleges that the institution went excessively acold successful locking down messaging, smartwatches, and integer wallets to intentionally hobble its rivals.

This won’t beryllium a astonishment to astir consumers. We’ve each known for years astir greenish bubbles and that you can’t bring your Apple Watch to an Android phone. What the DOJ is saying is that, altogether, this bid of protective policies makes it highly hard for an iPhone idiosyncratic to permission its walled garden, limiting contention truthful overmuch that it breaks the law.


Green bubbles marque a cardinal quality successful the lawsuit. It’s good known that texting betwixt iOS and Android users is simply a mediocre experience: you can’t nonstop ample files oregon photos, edit messages, oregon nonstop amusive reactions similar a bosom oregon thumbs up. That friction leads to societal unit to enactment connected iPhone, with the DOJ noting these exclusions go “obstacle[s] to iPhone families giving their kids Android Phones.” That’s particularly existent among US teens, 85 percent of whom are connected iPhone. The suit points retired that Apple is good alert of the issue, citing Apple executives arsenic saying “moving iMessage to Android volition wounded america much than assistance us.” (The DOJ didn’t instrumentality kindly to Tim Cook telling a lawsuit to “buy your ma an iPhone” to amended their texting.)

According to the DOJ, this misleads consumers into believing Android phones are worse, adjacent though Apple is the 1 doing each the restricting.

The DOJ besides notes that Apple limits third-party messaging apps similar WhatsApp, Signal, and Facebook Messenger successful examination to iMessage. For example, you person to dive into permissions to fto these apps run successful the inheritance oregon entree the iPhone’s camera for video calls. They besides can’t incorporated SMS, meaning you person to person friends to download the aforesaid apps if you privation to usage them. iMessage, however, does each this natively.

And portion Apple precocious agreed to enactment RCS to marque cross-platform messaging better, the DOJ isn’t buying it. It notes that Apple not lone hasn’t adopted it yet but that third-party apps would inactive beryllium “prohibited from incorporating RCS conscionable arsenic they are prohibited from incorporating SMS.” The DOJ besides takes contented with the information that Apple lone agreed to follow a 2019 mentation of RCS. Unless Apple agrees to enactment aboriginal versions, it argues “RCS could soon beryllium breached connected iPhones anyway.”


The DOJ isn’t pleased with however Apple uses the Apple Watch arsenic a cudgel to instrumentality with iPhones. As it stands, you must person an iPhone to usage an Apple Watch, and Apple limits third-party smartwatches from doing everything an Apple Watch can.

The Apple Watch isn’t cheap, and the DOJ notes that Apple is good alert that radical are little apt to power phones if they bargain one. But connected apical of that, it cites the information that a third-party smartwatch misses retired connected features similar speedy replies to texts, accepting calendar invites, and interacting with app alerts successful the aforesaid mode arsenic with an Apple Watch.

Another contented is Bluetooth connectivity. While the Apple Watch tin support a transportation if a idiosyncratic accidentally turns disconnected Bluetooth connected the iPhone, third-party watches can’t. As with third-party messaging apps, users person to dive into abstracted permissions to crook connected inheritance app refresh and crook disconnected debased powerfulness mode if they privation the astir unchangeable and accordant Bluetooth connection. This impacts passive updates, similar upwind oregon workout tracking.

Apple Watch Ultra 2 and Series 9 Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The Verge For iPhone users, you can’t adjacent usage speedy replies to texts unless you person an Apple Watch.

Cellular connectivity is different mode Apple limits third-party watches. There’s nary obstruction to utilizing the aforesaid fig connected your Apple Watch and iPhone. However, if you wanted to bash that with a third-party cellular watch, you’d person to disable iMessage connected the iPhone. Since astir iPhone users are unwilling to bash this, it efficaciously means choosing a third-party ticker means you’ll person to usage 2 abstracted numbers for your ticker and iPhone.

Digital wallets

With integer wallets, the DOJ’s beef with Apple is that the institution blocks fiscal institutions from accessing NFC hardware wrong the iPhone. (Though, Apple volition statesman allowing entree successful overmuch of Europe due to the fact that of caller regulations successful the EU.) That, successful turn, limits them from providing tap-to-pay capabilities and, again, funnels iPhone users into Apple Pay and Apple Wallet.

Doing truthful means banks besides person to wage 0.15 percent for each recognition paper transaction done done Apple Pay. Conversely, it’s escaped for banks utilizing Samsung oregon Google’s outgo apps. The effect is that Apple got astir $200 cardinal successful US transactions successful 2022, according to a US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau report. The aforesaid bureau estimates that integer wallet tap-to-pay transactions volition summation by implicit 150 percent by 2028.

Image showing an iPhone displaying the Apple Pay screen. Photo by Victoria Song / The Verge Third-party outgo apps don’t person entree to the iPhone’s NFC hardware.

Again, the DOJ asserts that it’s feasible for Apple to alteration tap-to-pay entree but that it won’t due to the fact that it would “be 1 mode to disable [A]pple [P]ay trivially” and promote different types of outgo apps. It besides notes that Apple already allows merchants to usage NFC to judge Apple Pay payments.

Apple says it disagrees with the DOJ’s lawsuit, framing each of these decisions arsenic choices it made to support consumers — peculiarly with respect to privateness and security. In a statement, Apple spokesperson Fred Sainz said the suit “threatens who we are and the principles that acceptable Apple products isolated successful fiercely competitory markets.”

The DOJ doesn’t spot those principles arsenic improving the iPhone but alternatively intentionally limiting competitors successful a bid to marque the iPhone stickier. And portion it’ll apt beryllium a portion earlier there’s immoderate factual resolution, there’s a accidental that by the extremity of this, Apple’s walled plot attack whitethorn nary longer beryllium rather arsenic effectual arsenic it has been.


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