Twitch bans turning butts and boobs into green screens

3 months ago 5
Screenshot from the livestream of Twitch creator Morgpie, a red-haired pistillate   playing Bloons TD 6 Though this isn’t rather what Twitch volition soon ban, it’s different illustration from Morgpie of her quality to propulsion Twitch’s line boundaries | Image: Twitch / Morgpie

The latest update to Twitch’s assemblage guidelines is oddly specific. According to the update, starting March 29th, “content that focuses connected intimate assemblage parts for a prolonged play of clip volition not beryllium allowed.”

The determination is, without a doubt, a targeted effect to the caller Twitch “meta” wherein streamers task gameplay onto a green-screened portion of their bodies, specifically the breasts oregon buttocks.

I’ve officially seen it each

— ryan (@scubaryan_) March 16, 2024

The inclination was popularized by Morgpie, a creator known for pushing the boundaries of Twitch’s streaming policies. Earlier this month, she streamed herself playing Fortnite with the gameplay projected connected her butt. During her watercourse today, she wore a greenish surface cut-out garment making her caput and thorax the lone parts of her a spectator could see. Others capitalized connected the caller meta by projecting gameplay connected assorted assemblage parts, but with today’s announcement, specified enactment volition go a bannable offense.

This is the latest successful a drawstring of updates successful which Twitch has had to play catch-up with the platform’s much risqué contented creators. In December, Twitch relaxed it’s nudity policy to let “deliberately highlighted breasts, buttocks oregon pelvic region,” truthful agelong arsenic the watercourse had the due contented label. The institution immediately rescinded the policy aft streamers pushed the boundaries of it, stating, “Upon reflection, we person decided that we went excessively acold with this change.” Then, successful January, Twitch updated its guidelines again to prohibition implied nudity aft creators, including Morgpie, streamed themselves astatine angles that suggested they weren’t wearing clothes.

This latest line goes into effect March 29th. It volition lone beryllium a substance of clip earlier streamers fig retired a caller mode to get astir it.

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