Unlock Donghua Jinlong’s food grade glycine

3 months ago 7
A representation   of the entranceway  to Donghua Jinlong’s factory. Donghua Jinlong’s factory. | Image: Donghua Jinlong Chemical Co.

TikTok isn’t conscionable utile for videos connected robotic portion storage, Radiohead songs connected measurement motors, and regretful congressmen. It’s besides a spot wherever businesses tin spell viral by selling their concern products.

Because of that, I present cognize that a institution called Donghua Jinlong Chemical makes food-grade glycine which, arsenic the institution reminds america successful its TikTok selling video, is “suitable arsenic a spirit enhancer, sweetener, and nutritional supplement.” Not lone that, but it’s “also utilized successful pickles, saccharine sauces, soy sauce, vinegar, and juices to amended taste.” And, bonus, it’s “a well-established marque successful a ample factory.” If that doesn’t get you acceptable to get immoderate Donghua Jinlong food-grade glycine, I’m not definite there’s thing I tin bash for you.

Okay, The Verge didn’t conscionable crook into a mouthpiece for Donghua Jinlong. If you’ve seen immoderate confusing food-grade glycine evangelizing connected TikTok lately, it’s a harmless meme borne retired of an concern shaper of a nutrient additive posting a selling video that mightiness person lingered softly successful dusty obscurity connected immoderate different platform. Here’s its origin:

Thanks to TikTok’s ever-probing proposal algorithm that occasionally tosses curve balls out to spot if you’ll bite, an guiltless effort astatine promoting a manufacturer’s products has turned into Donghua jokes imagining the aboriginal survey of net memes:

Mock standup routines implicit with Donghua Jinlong-hating hecklers:


Replying to @dan yang comedian heckled for supporting precocious prime glycine products #heckler #standupcomedy #glycine #donghuaedit

♬ archetypal dependable - dan yang

Stitches faking creator beef and offering a astonishing primer connected the companies progressive successful glycine manufacture:


Let's wide up immoderate MYTHS astir Donghua Jinlong and their "competitors"....@Macey your determination bestie.... Since 1979, Donghua Jinlong has been providing the highest prime nutrient grade, concern people and pharmaceutical people glycine. Unlock 2024s BEST glycine supplier: DONGHUA JINLONG #donghuajinlong #glycine #brainrot #bestglycine #brainnourishment #industrialglycine #glycinetok #donghuajinlongtok #industrialglycine #satire

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An AI dependable clone of personage astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson discussing Donghua Jinlong’s work:

Faux wellness videos:


Replying to @_blankinfinity_ This is wherefore I usage Donghua Jinlong Food Grade Glycine arsenic my Glycine supplier. Premium Quality since 1979 and a trusted root factor. Unlock Donghua Jinlong successful 2024. #donghuajinlong #foodgradeglycine #glycine #brainrot #glycinetok #industrialglycine

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And, of course, videos explaining the meme:

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